Great Bloggers to help Boost your Instructional Designing

As I was exploring the world of blogging looking for help with my instructional design career, I wasn’t sure how to get started and what exactly I wanted to say. What I was sure of is I wanted to grow my skills and knowledge to be a better designer and instructional creator. I am always on the hunt for new and innovative ways to learn on a deeper level. I want my class material to be exciting and engaging. When learning about dental insurance or system navigation, the material can be quite dry, and I wanted that to change.
The first site I came across was Design4Performance. This site was founded by Arun Pradhan. He has also founded Learn2Learn which is an app you can purchase through the app store to use for learning, unlearning, and relearning easily. Some content you will be able to find on Arun Design4Performance are designing tips, cartoons and info-graphics he is willing to share for personal use, and learning tips to help advance your learning and innovative thinking.
The second site I came across and have used in the past for tips and tricks when I first started working as an Instructional Design is “Instructional Design Underground.” One of my previous classes when I was getting my Bachelor degree, we had to start designing our Instructional Design Portfolio. I.D.U. helped me design my portfolio for class. Some additional content you will find is information on ADDIE and now SAM, you will be able to learn about gamification. Games are engaging and help boost dry material. Interactive ways to help your students learn and retain the information is additional content you will find on this site. The site was founded by Hannah Tooley. She is wonderful at sharing and updating material. I have asked her questions and seek advice when struggling with designing. Follow her on twitter for quick responses; she is an amazing peer.
The third site I visited and found interesting when I was trying to add more visual aids to lecture material was the site called “The Edublogger.” This site is run by Kathleen Morris. She explains the use of Canva. It’s free to use the program to help you design info-graphics, posters, presentations, and so much more. I am currently working on some graphics for my blog. I recommend the design Tips Kathleen has listed on her site. So many times, I have had to review presentations for co-workers, and I find it is garbled and not easy to read. So, I have shared her quick, easy tips with my co-workers.
Thank you for visiting my blog and please take a look at the recommended site to advance your knowledge and get helpful information on Instructional Design.

Gerri Mitchell


  1. Hi Gerri!

    Thank you for your kind words and the shoutout. I will anxiously await your next post!

    What is your handle on Twitter? I'd be happy to give you a follow!

    Instructional Design Underground


  2. Hi there Gerri,
    Your Instructional Designer in Progress Blog is amazing! I thought your blog posts Great Bloggers to Help Boost Your Instructional Designing and How Important is Understanding the Brain as an Instructional Designer are very informative to instructional designers and teachers, thank you for sharing these helpful blog posts!
    I wanted to contribute original thinking and knowledge to your blog by sharing with you information on a fun and new topic that has not been discussed in your blog yet, the topic of gamification. Brain research evidences that gamification can significantly improve learning and because of this more and more instructional designers are integrating gamification in their e-learning design.
    Integrating gamification in e-earning is the process of taking something that already exists – a e-learning website, an online learning community – and integrating game mechanics into it to motivate participation, engagement, and loyalty. I recently completed a google search of “gamification and instructional design” and there is an abundance of articles that evidence more and more instructional designers are integrating gamification in their instructional e-learning design. Integrating gamification with e-learning design significantly improves learning because gamification can significantly increase motivation and engagement in learning. Gamification can also help students learning problem solving skills. According to the Innovative Instructor Blog written by Macie Hall, “Gamification is the application of typical elements of game playing (rules of play, point scoring, competition with others) to other areas of activity, specifically to engage users in problem solving.” (Hall, n.d.)
    I wanted to share this very helpful 7 step guide that makes it easy for instructional designers to integrate gamification in e-learing: (Sharma, 2018)
    I am interested in knowing the thoughts of instructional designers and teachers and if they believe gamification will help improve the e-learning and problem skills of their students. Thank you!
    Teacher and Instructional Designer in Process
    Hall, M. (n.d.). The Innovative Instructor Blog.
    Retrieved from
    Sharma, N. (2018, February 05). A 7-Step Instructional Design Guide For
    eLearning Gamification.
    Retrieved from


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